A window into Athens's extraordinary charm and timeless elegance, an immersive visual odyssey through its historic thoroughfares and captivating scenery.

"Winter Forest," a stunning collection of 10 cyanotype photographs, blue-and-white images that capture the otherworldly beauty of Brúará in Southern Iceland.

Elysium is a stunning series of 15 cyanotype photographs capturing the dramatic interplay between nature and civilization, a sense of urban naturre.

The Gullfoss Trail collection features 17 captivating cyanotype photographs capturing the Icelandic landscape, evoking a sense of awe and exhilarating peril.

The breathtaking cyanotype photographs beautifully portray the heart and soul of the Icelandic Printmakers Association's print shop

These are cyanotype photographs that are created using AI-generated images via Stable Difusion, using prompts from theoretical texts,

Captured near a roadside in Gothenburg, Sweden, these cyanotype photographs entitled "Bound" showcase a striking scene of urban nature full of character.

This is a series of generated cyanotype photographs based on images generated with a prompt referencing Jaques Derrida’s Of Grammatology.

Myndir teknar á Bronica-myndavél við Hreðavatn í Borgarfirði vorið 2021. Myndirnar framkallaðar sem kallitýpur á bómullarpappír, aðferð frá ofanverðri 19. öld. Þær eru gulltónaðar til að ná fram sérstakri áferð.

Skógurinn á Skógum í Þorskafirði er myndefni þessara mynda. Þær voru teknar á 4x5 tommu filmu á stórformatsmyndavél sumarið 2022. Þær voru unnar sem gulltónaðar kallitýpur vorið 2022.

At home in Skógargerði, there is a series of 8 pictures that are a meticulous record of the interior of the old house in Skógargerði in Fell.

Autumn Garden showcases a collection of stunning cyanotypes capturing the intricate details of a domestic garden in Reykjavík during the autumn season.

"The Medicine Show" is more than just a series of photographs; it is a cyanotype photograph performance art project created in Greensboro, North Carolina

The Palermo Spirale project celebrates the city of Palermo in Sicily with seven specific locations arranged along a spiral mapped over the city.

A series of cyanotype photographs, "Sferracavallo Spiaggia", each. exhibiting the stunning seascape close to Palermo, Sicily.

Viaggio a Salerno, a captivating visual narrative in cyanotype photograps in a voyage from the vibrant city of Palermo to the charming coastal town of Salerno.