Step into the enchanting world of “Winter Forest,” a stunning collection of 10 cyanotype photographs, blue-and-white images that capture the otherworldly beauty of Brúará in Southern Iceland. These breathtaking photos were taken during a frosty December 2022 when the entire landscape turned into a mesmerizing winter wonderland. Instead of snow, delicate frost covered everything in the forest, creating a magical scene where even the tiniest details, like grass and moss, were transformed into something out of a fairy tale. These images transport you to a place that feels like it’s straight out of a fantasy, where you can marvel at nature’s intricate beauty.
Editions & folios for sale
The artwork is offered for sale in the following formats:
- 43 x 56 cm single image edition, limited to 16 copies: Priced at kr. 60,000 (roughly $430) each.
- A 43 x 56 cm box set folio edition of all 10 images, limited to 8 copies: Priced at kr. 400,000 (roughly $2,900) each.
Each copy and edition is signed and has a certificate of authenticity.
Individual images sized 43 x 56 cm can be ordered directly by selecting “Purchase” on the relevant page.
For other sizes and inquiries, please select “Inquire” or email at