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Erebus, a series of twenty black-and-white giclee fine art photographs. They create a primaveral feeling that resonates with the uncertainties of our world.

The Gullfoss Trail collection features 17 captivating cyanotype photographs capturing the Icelandic landscape, evoking a sense of awe and exhilarating peril.

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A sequence of fine art photographs shot in Mossen in Gothenburg. The forested area creates a fascinating texture against the backdrop of concrete buildings.

The breathtaking cyanotype photographs beautifully portray the heart and soul of the Icelandic Printmakers Association's print shop

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A series of twelve colour fine art photographs is a sequence of generated images based on a quotation from Deleuze and Guattari's 'Mille plateaux'.

These are cyanotype photographs that are created using AI-generated images via Stable Difusion, using prompts from theoretical texts,

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A series of twelve black and white fine art photographs is a sequence of generated images based on a quotation from Deleuze and Guattari's 'Mille plateaux'.

Captured near a roadside in Gothenburg, Sweden, these cyanotype photographs entitled "Bound" showcase a striking scene of urban nature full of character.

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A series of twelve black and white fine art photographs is a sequence of generated images based on a quotation from Deleuze and Guattari's 'Mille plateaux'.

This is a series of generated cyanotype photographs based on images generated with a prompt referencing Jaques Derrida’s Of Grammatology.

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Fine art photographs incorporate dramatic scenes of urban. regeneration and abstract shapes in the rays of the fading sun.

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16 rendur, málaðar með akrýlmálningu, hver yfir aðra. Kefið byggir á aukastöfum pí.
16 stripes, painted with acrylic paint acrpss each other. The system is based on the decimals of pi.

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The collection features twenty stunning color fine art photographs that offer an intimate look at the natural beauty of the heathlands in eastern Iceland.

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16 rendur, málaðar með akrýlmálningu, hver yfir aðra. Kefið byggir á aukastöfum pí.16 stripes, painted with acrylic paint acrpss each other. The system is based on the decimals of pi.

Myndraðir teknar á Austurlandi sumarið 2021, annarsvegar á Jökuldalsheiði, hinsvegar í Skógargerði við Lagarfjót. Myndir teknar á Bronica EC-TL 6x6 myndavél.

At home in Skógargerði, there is a series of 8 pictures that are a meticulous record of the interior of the old house in Skógargerði in Fell.

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16 rendur, málaðar með akrýlmálningu, hver yfir aðra. Kefið byggir á aukastöfum pí.
16 stripes, painted with acrylic paint acrpss each other. The system is based on the decimals of pi.

Myndir teknar á litfilmu, á Bronica myndavél, haustið 2021, þegar gróðurinn var farinn að falla.

Autumn Garden showcases a collection of stunning cyanotypes capturing the intricate details of a domestic garden in Reykjavík during the autumn season.

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16 rendur, málaðar með akrýlmálningu, hver yfir aðra. Kefið byggir á aukastöfum pí.
16 stripes, painted with acrylic paint acrpss each other. The system is based on the decimals of pi.

Við þorpið á Laugarvatni, á vatnsbakkanum, er virkjaður hver sem er í senn iðnaðarmannvirki og náttúrulegur. Myndir teknar á litfilmu á gamla Leica IIIc myndavél sumarið 2021.

"The Medicine Show" is more than just a series of photographs; it is a cyanotype photograph performance art project created in Greensboro, North Carolina

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Smelltu á myndina til að skoða betur / Click on image to view series.

Röð mynda, úr kvikmynd sem tekin var eftir hleðslu sem Gísli Helgason hlóð á öðrum áratug 20. aldar til að halda kindum frá túninu.

The Palermo Spirale project celebrates the city of Palermo in Sicily with seven specific locations arranged along a spiral mapped over the city.

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Smelltu á myndina til að skoða betur / Click on image to view series.

13 mesmerizing fine art photographs, each taken within the mesmerizing Metrohan building, situated in the bustling heart of downtown Istanbul.