Skuggaljós (Shadowlight) – 16 stripes – ink – 128×207 cm – I.2020

A series of ink paintings sized 128 x 207 cm on 300 gm Fabriano watercolor paper. Each painting is made up of 16 stripes of dilluted india ink, painted in various directions across the image area. In this series the direction of each stripe, location and width are determined by pi. This creates a dense structure of different shades of black, criscrossed with encil lines that define the structure of the image. The title of the series is „Skuggaljós“, „Shadowlight“ in englist. It is a phrase coined by Icelandic author Halldór Kiljan Laxness in his novel „Independent People“, in a description of the ominous light at the break of dawn on the heath in early spring, a description at the beginning of a chapter defining the eventual downfall of the book’s main character. The phrase is the opposite of „Sólarljós“, „Sunlight“. At this time this feels an apt title for this new weries of paintings.

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